Who Is The Orange Punch Cannabis Strain Good For?

Orange Punch is a particular strain of cannabis that you'll see in many dispensaries in legal states. It is an indica-dominant strain, which means its effects tend to be more relaxing and sedating. Orange Punch is a lot like the well-known Grand Daddy Purple, and a lot of its genetics are from this strain, but it does tend to give a more uplifted head high than the GDP. So, this just leaves the question: who is Orange Punch good for? What kinds of patients and cannabis users tend to enjoy and benefit from this strain? Take a look.

People who have trouble sleeping.

Whether your insomnia is due to body pain or the inability to turn off your mind, Orange Punch is sure to help. When you first inhale it, the effects tend to be very soothing and cerebral. Whatever was bothering you will fade away, leaving you in a better mind space. Then, the body high will take effect, and you'll begin to feel deeply relaxed. Put on some soothing music or a favorite show, and you should be able to drift off to sleep much sooner.

People with chronic pain

Do you have back pain, arthritis, or an old injury that still bugs you? Like most strong indica hybrids, Orange Punch tends to be really good at relieving chronic pain. It relaxes the muscles, which tends to relieve a lot of the secondary pain you experience purely from tensing up and worrying. Orange Punch is a good strain to smoke after a lot of grueling physical exertion, since it eases the pain you may be experiencing while also encouraging rest. 

People with anxiety

The soothing head high that you first experience when inhaling Orange Punch makes it a great choice for people with anxiety. Since it is so calming and relaxing, it may not be the best strain to smoke when you're feeling anxious before a day of work. But it can be a great choice to "turn off" your anxiety or even just your worries when you return home after a stressful day. If you find yourself ruminating and getting anxious about the upcoming day, and therefore not even enjoying the evening, Orange Punch can fix that.

Orange Punch is a great strain to try if you're interested in indica- dominant cannabis. It's great for insomnia, anxiety, and chronic pain — a true medical strain that deserves a spot in your cabinet. To learn more, contact a company like Between 419-421.
