Tips To Help You Use And Enjoy Your Acid Rock Hemp Flower

Acid rock hemp flower is well known for its therapeutic qualities. It contains plenty of CBD, and the effects of the CBD are enhanced by the high concentration of various terpenes. However, the strong flavor of acid rock hemp flower does not appeal to everyone. It's very earthy — to the extent that it reminds some people of dirt and grass. Thankfully, there are ways to get past this flavor and use acid rock hemp flower for its advantages. 

Roll it in papers.

This is a strain of hemp flower that really benefits from being rolled in papers and smoked cigarette-style. Choose papers made from natural, unbleached pulp. They will lend a mild, sweet flavor to the smoke, which will help make the experience a little lighter. Plus, when you smoke hemp flower rolled in paper, you tend to take smaller inhales, which keeps the strong flavor from overwhelming you all at once. If possible, try to roll thin and tight; include only what you plan on smoking in one session. Otherwise, the leftover may end up stale, which makes the flavor a bit more harsh.

Sip a citrus drink alongside your acid rock hemp flower.

There are some subtle citrus notes in acid rock hemp flower. If you focus on bringing them to the forefront, you won't notice the deeper, earthy tones so much, which will allow you to better enjoy the smoking experience. One way to bring out these citrus tones is to sip some lemonade, orange juice, or another citrus beverage while you are smoking your acid rock hemp flower. The cooling sensation of the beverage also makes the smoke seem lighter.

Combine it with a milder strain.

If you really like acid rock hemp strain for its benefits but have a hard time with its strong flavor, consider combining it with a milder hemp strain and then smoking the blend. You can do this regardless of your preferred smoking method: rolled, pipe, or water device. Start with a 50/50 blend of acid rock and your other strain, and customize from there. Some milder hemp strains to consider include special sauce, lifter, and Hawaiian haze.

Acid rock hemp flower is a brilliant strain for its therapeutic qualities and high terpene content, but it can be a little harsh on the flavor side of things. If you follow the tips above, though, you can tone it down and still enjoy a good smoking experience.
