4 Things You Should Know About Treating Anxiety With Hemp Flower

Anyone who suffers from anxiety can tell you how difficult it is to manage this condition. Chronic anxiety can leave you feeling physically exhausted, so you can barely make it through the day. The most common pharmaceutical treatments are benzodiazepines and SSRIs, but both can cause significant side effects. Some patients even experience withdrawal symptoms if these medications are discontinued abruptly. If you're tired of anxiety and want a new type of treatment, consider medicating with hemp flower. Here are four things you should know about this natural remedy:

1. Strains high in CBD may work best.

Some people feel they can't benefit from hemp flower because it causes increased anxiety. However, not all marijuana contains the same chemical compounds. Each strain is distinct, with properties that will work better for certain people. According to Leafly, paranoia and anxiety are often caused by high THC content in cannabis. You can reap the anxiolytic benefits of hemp flower without the anxiety by choosing strains that are high in CBD and low in THC.

2. CBD flower can be used during the day.

If you're worried about being impaired by hemp flower during the workday, a strain with low THC will work best for you. THC is the most psychoactive component in cannabis. While it has healing properties of its own, many people find that cannabis containing a majority of CBD allows them to function throughout the day. Reap the anxiety soothing benefits of CBD flower while still maintaining a clear head for your daily tasks.

3. Hemp flower can help you sleep.

Adequate sleep can help to soothe your anxiety symptoms. Unfortunately, people with anxiety disorders often have insomnia. It's hard to sleep when you're laying awake in bed worrying at night. Using hemp flower before bed at night can help you fall asleep. If you're skeptical about using medical marijuana at first, taking it before bed can help to allay some of your fears about impairment.

4. Experts can help you choose the right CBD flower.

When you're new to the world of medical marijuana, choosing the right medication can be overwhelming. There are so many types of hemp flower available on the market, it can be difficult to pick just one. If the doctor who wrote your medical marijuana prescription is knowledgeable about this natural treatment, they may be able to give you advice when choosing a strain. If this isn't their area of expertise, the staff at your local dispensary can help guide you when you visit to make your purchase.
